Imagine. Design. Do.

Forget the great resignation. If you need a change in life or work, embrace the great rethink. Refresh your dreams and ambitions. Reinvent, redesign, or pivot. Dr. Kathryn Bingham will help you elevate your leadership, change your life, change your work, and change the world. Ready to Imagine, Design, and Do?

Woman writing on colored Post-its


Dr. Kathryn Bingham | CEO, LEADistics LLC | Author, Driving Pink

Meet Dr. Kathryn

Truth Teller, Sage, & Guide

I’ve reinvented, redesigned, and pivoted countless times as a working mom, corporate exec, grad student (twice!), and entrepreneur.

Add in the keeper of the schedule, director of finance, community leader, and volunteer. I’ve been parachuted in to support state and university projects, led organizational strategy and change, and coached individuals from early career high potentials to the C-suite. If you’re ready for change–even if you’re not quite certain what that change should look like–I’m here to help.

Live for Today, Not Someday

It’s okay to question the path we find ourself on. We might experience success and find we’re missing what we really want, with no time to enjoy the now. Competing priorities fracture our focus and deplete our energy. We seek the freedom to pursue something new, to make a difference, with a schedule that honors what’s most important in our life.

Define Your Start

Everyone needs a starting point. Yours may be discovering your “what’s next,” identifying options, crafting a road map, or building accountability. Reach out and we’ll find a path that’s just right for you.

Choose A Path

At LEADistics, we offer courses, coaching (1:1, Group, and Intensives), as well as workshops and events. Choose your own adventure! We support your journey to grow your leadership and find your personal and professional sweet spot.

HR & Event Planners

Do you need a leadership coach, a workshop for your team, or a keynote for your event? Connect with Dr. Bingham to design an engagement or program that works for your organization or event.