“Why can’t I comment on your blog?” you’re asking!

I started out having comments on the blog itself. Unfortunately, I faced two issues:

  1. First, despite using filters, the thoughts added by readers were hidden amongst an abundance of spam. It became increasingly difficult to monitor. Occasionally, the spam was well disguised. And, frankly, this took away my intent to generate conversation and community. Which leads me to …
  2. Other social media platforms better support community creation and the ability to hold conversations. So, I’ve moved comments to a LEADistics Facebook page. As a widely used social media platform, it’s accessible to almost everyone. I provide a link at the bottom of every post to make it easy to share your thoughts. And, if Facebook is not your platform of choice, you can also tweet me!

I would love to engage in conversation, and welcome your comments and honest feedback. I also invite you to share posts via your favorite social media platform.

I do ask that guests leaving comments be mindful of civil discourse. Please share critique of my thoughts and those of other guests in a respectful way. While I’m reluctant to ever censor a voice, I will delete comments that are intentionally hurtful or use language not suitable for broad, professional audiences. Thank you, in advance, for your courtesy and consideration!